The infinity of a moment
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Every moment is already history in its present and with every second we inevitably move towards our end. We always wanted to extend the beautiful moments and shorten the less beautiful ones. Unfortunately, we feel exactly the opposite and can't do anything about it. We try to store the pleasant experiences in our minds and always like to remember the first date with our partner or think back to a nice trip. But it is not uncommon for memories to change or blur into difficult-to-grasp images in our heads. Over the years, through the silent post principle that takes place in our heads through constant remembering, we all too often distort the feelings associated with these situations in one direction or another.
The rock paintings in the Lascaux cave are now dated to around 36,000 - 19,000 BC. Dated. This type of art certainly existed much earlier in Africa. However, due to the exposed nature and lack of protection of the caves that people visited in cold Europe, most of them fell victim to the weather. Since the beginning of our consciousness, it seems to have been important to humans to express themselves through images and to let the images of the present come to the future. The purpose of such paintings was certainly varied and will never be fully revealed to us. But they will be largely similar to those of today's painting and photography. Capturing experiences, expressing feelings, depicting stories in pictures, providing information or simply evoking certain emotions when looking at them. In the following picture, Cambodian children take in the frescoes of their ancestors in the temples of Angkor. The fascination of past records impresses us in every era and has a timeless effect on the future.
Photography offers us a wonderful way to use our limited time. You can capture moments forever and let them serve as a memory aid. The senses that were activated back then will partially return to your memory. The experience becomes more tangible and tangible than if you tried to remember it without a photograph. We automatically associate many situations in our lives with accompanying phenomena such as smells or sounds. Music tracks bring back memories and make you feel a little bit about what you experienced back then. These feelings will coincide more closely with the reality experienced at the time and will give more content to the life we have already spent. You will get to know yourself better when you look through the viewfinder and become much more aware of your surroundings.
Many situations I experienced would never have happened without my camera and the intention to take photos. There are no contacts with people, nor is the feeling of Scandinavian rain finding its way from your face to your socks. You will never forget these situations. They stop time. Photography is a very true way to freeze moments forever and to immerse yourself deeper in them at the moment they are taken.